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ALMOST: An all atom molecular simulation toolkit for protein structure determination. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 35(14):1101-1105.
2014. Organism complexity anti-correlates with proteomic beta-aggregation propensity. Protein Science. 14(10):2735-2740.
2005. Prediction of aggregation rate and aggregation-prone segments in polypeptide sequences. Protein Science. 14(10):2723-2734.
2005. The role of aromaticity, exposed surface, and dipole moment in determining protein aggregation rates. Protein Science. 13(7):1939-1941.
2004. Analysis of the distributed computing approach applied to the folding of a small β peptide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(14):8217-8222.
2003. Combining task- and data parallelism to speed up protein folding on a desktop grid platform. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003).
2003. Fast protein folding on downhill energy landscape. Protein Science. 12(8):1801-1803.
2003. Performance characterization of a molecular dynamics code on PC clusters: Is there any easy parallelism in CHARMM? Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Proceedings International (IPDPS 2002).
2002. Weak temperature dependence of the free energy surface and folding pathways of structured peptides.. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 47(3):305-314.