The role of aromaticity, exposed surface, and dipole moment in determining protein aggregation rates

TitleThe role of aromaticity, exposed surface, and dipole moment in determining protein aggregation rates
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsTartaglia G.G, Cavalli A., Pellarin R., Caflisch A.
JournalProtein Science
Date Published2004 Jul
Type of ArticleResearch Article
KeywordsAlzheimer Disease, Amino Acids, Animals, Computer Simulation, Humans, Prions, Protein Conformation, Protein Folding, Proteins, Thermodynamics

The mechanisms by which peptides and proteins form ordered aggregates are not well understood. Here we focus on the physicochemical properties of amino acids that favor ordered aggregation and suggest a parameter-free model that is able to predict the change of aggregation rates over a large set of natural sequences. Furthermore, the results of the parameter-free model correlate well with the aggregation propensities of a set of peptides designed by computer simulations.



Alternate JournalProtein Sci.
PubMed ID15169952
PubMed Central IDPMC2279921
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