Kinetic control of amyloidogenesis calls for unconventional drugs to fight Alzheimer's disease

TitleKinetic control of amyloidogenesis calls for unconventional drugs to fight Alzheimer's disease
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCaflisch A.
JournalACS Chemical Neuroscience
Date Published2020 Jan 15
Type of ArticleResearch Article
KeywordsAlzheimer’s disease, amyloidogenesis, coarse-grained simulations, fibrillogenesis, molecular dynamics

Computer simulations had predicted that amyloid fibrillogenesis is governed by free energy barriers and kinetic traps (kinetic control), rather than the free energy of the final aggregates. The simulations suggested that the diversity in fibril morphologies can originate from variations in the number of protofilaments which has been confirmed by recent cryo-electron microscopy studies of amyloid-β fibrils derived from brain tissue of Alzheimer's patients. The kinetic control of fibril formation and polymorphism imply that chemical substances with new mechanisms of action are needed to fight Alzheimer's disease.



Alternate JournalACS Chem. Neurosci.
PubMed ID31904213
Highlight Role: 
Aggregation and Assembly